Master Tom Tam on Tapping Points for COVID-19
Tom shares his thoughts and healing points related to COVID-19 in a recent YouTube interview.
Please use the following COVID-19 tapping points:
T1, T2, T3, T4, T7 to build immunity and stimulate T cells
T6 for diaphragm
Yiming for the parotid glands to produce saliva
BL9 for the medulla, which controls heart, lungs, vessels
BL6 to open sinus
GV22 to calm anxiety and fear
K26-27 for T cells, lungs, and airways
K22 for the diaphragm
LU1, LU2 and CV17 for lungs
CV4, CV6 to fill lower dantian and store energy
ST36 to rebuild
Original article:
Dr. Wu is offering a free online Tong Ren healing class for anyone who wants to participate.
Date: every Sunday
Time: 10-11pm EST
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