Lovelle's Testimonial on CV1 Treatment

Listen' to Lovelle’s testimonial:

Lovelle's testimonial on CV1 treatment.m4a

Narrated experiences with Huiyin, (Chinese name), Conception Vessel 1 Meridian, (CV1), is sparse.  CV1 is the first of 24 points along the Conception Vessel Meridian.

The protocol Dr. Wu tailored for my body’s constitution includes CV1 treatment.  Regularly scheduled CV1 tune-ups helps to keep both my body and mind in harmony and has improved my overall wellness.  Dr. Wu begins my session with an intensive tuina treatment (acupuncture without the needles) to open my meridians.  Next, he uses the Quantum Technology machine to accelerate the rate of healing at the cellular level.  The Quantum machine looks like a blow dryer; it is a high-tech machine that emits terahertz waves.  These waves penetrate up to 12 inches of epidermis to heal imbalances in my body. After the Quantum scan from head to toe, Dr. Wu applies medical herbs to my back before applying the glass cups for cupping treatment.  Which is another ancient treatment for releasing toxins from the spine. When toxins are removed from the spine, communication from the brain to the spine is improved.

While the cupping treatment is in progress, Dr. Wu covers me with a sheet, and then places the quantum machine between my legs, eight inches from my perineum, the CV1 point.  The quantum waves begin to rise through my perineum to my stomach, lungs and to my brain. After 20 minutes, an amazing sense of wellness is experienced.  During the 20 minutes, I chant the mantra Dr. Wu suggested, “I am air…I am light… I am water…flow”.

After my treatment, I gently stretch, and then drink some tea.

I share my experience with the hope that others can learn about CV1 treatment and other ways we can take care of our health.

Thank you Dr. Wu for helping me be a healthier me.



吴医生为我的身体量身定制的方案包括针对会阴穴的治疗。定期疏通会阴穴有助于保持我的身心和谐,并改善了我的整体健康状况。吴医生先给我做了推拿治疗,打通我的经络。接下来,他使用量子理疗仪在细胞水平上加快疗愈速度。 量子理疗仪看起来像吹风机。它是发射太赫兹波的高科技仪器。这些波最多可以深入人体12英寸,以治愈我身体的失衡。从头到脚进行量子理疗后,吴医生将草药油涂在我的背上,然后用玻璃罐进行拔罐。这是让脊柱排毒的另一种古老疗法。从脊柱去除毒素后,大脑与脊柱之间的交流就会得到改善。

在进行拔罐治疗时,吴医生用一张床单盖住了我,然后将量子理疗仪放在我两腿之间,距我的会阴CV1八英寸。量子波开始通过会阴上升到我的胃,肺和大脑。 20分钟后,我体验到了惊人的身心健康感。在这20分钟里,我一直念诵吴医生的格言:“我是空气……我是光……我是水……流”。




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