Dr. Ming Jie Wu share his experience on use wild astragalus root tea to healing hernia
100 grams of astragalus, boiled in 2 cups water for 30 minutes drink as tea , same herbs boiling 2 times daily, one dose per day for 10 dose , Astragalus membranaceus is often used in traditional Chinese medicine to replenish qi and strengthen the surface, nourish the spleen and lungs, and enhance immunity. Its mechanism for treating hernia can be analyzed from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine theory and modern research:
1. Replenishing qi and strengthening the surface: According to traditional Chinese medicine theory, the occurrence of hernia is mostly related to qi deficiency and spleen deficiency. Astragalus has the effect of replenishing qi and can enhance the transportation and transformation functions of the spleen and stomach, thereby improving the state of qi deficiency, helping the normal operation of qi and blood, and reducing the sagging and protrusion of abdominal organs.
2. Enhance the function of the spleen and stomach: The spleen and stomach are acquired. Spleen deficiency may lead to insufficient biochemistry of qi and blood, thus preventing the organs in the abdominal cavity from being maintained in the correct position. Astragalus can enhance the function of the spleen and stomach, help improve intra-abdominal pressure, and reduce the occurrence or aggravation of hernia.
3. Promote blood circulation: Astragalus has a blood-activating effect, which can improve local blood circulation and enhance tissue repair ability. Hernia patients can take astragalus decoction in water as early as possible to allow the body to repair naturally, avoid the pain and surgery, and minimize the risk of surgery. , to avoid complications from surgery.
4. Regulate immune function: Modern research shows that astragalus has immunomodulatory effects, can enhance the body's immunity, reduce local inflammatory reactions, and may be helpful for some chronic inflammation caused by qi deficiency.
To sum up, the mechanism of astragalus in treating hernia mainly works by enhancing qi and blood, strengthening the spleen, improving muscle elasticity, and regulating immune function. Example of hernia case study : XX, male, 50 years old,
Date of initial visit: August 1, 2024, Main complaint: Inguinal hernia, lower abdominal pain has been recurring for 3 years, and a mass appears in the groin: The most obvious symptom is to see or feel a mass in the groin area (root of thigh), especially when standing or It is more obvious when coughing. The lump can usually be pushed back gently with the hand, but may protrude again with force or movement. In recent years, family doctors have increasingly recommended surgical treatment with Western medicine. The patient was introduced by a friend to seek natural alternative therapy with traditional Chinese medicine. Spleen pulse is thin and weak, and his tongue is pale and has white coating. Traditional Chinese medicine prescription: 100 grams of wild astragalus decoction in water, one dose per day, ten doses, follow-up visit on September 5, 2024: The patient reported that the symptoms improved after three days of taking the medicine, and disappeared after ten days. Reduce the amount of astragalus used in the front to 30 grams per day and continue for 20 days to consolidate the curative effect. The hernia No recurrence was found during follow-up visit on January 5, 2025.