Learn About Chinese Herbs -Shan Chuan Liu (Tamarix)-

Shan Chuan Liu (Tamarix)

This product is commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine. Originally published in "Kaibao Materia Medica".

Aliases: West River Willow, Tamarith.

Source: Tamarix chinensis Lour. Or Tamarix juniperiana Bge. Dried leafy shoots. Wild.

Plant morphology: small perennial shrub-like tree with multi-branched stem, effeminate drooping, reddish-brown epidermis. The leaves are alternate, sessile, small and scaly-lanceolate, with a slightly hugging stem. The flowers are complex inflorescences, apical, bracts linear tapered. Flowers pale red. The sepals and petals are 5 , and the disc is brown and petal-shaped. The capsule is small and leaky with three lobes.

Origin: Produced in most parts of the country.

Character identification: mainly with thin stems and branches with leaves, with thick branches interspersed. Shoots diameter 05~1mm with scaly leaves. Gray-green or yellow-green. The texture is brittle and easy to break, and the section is yellow-white. The thick branches are 5 mm in diameter, reddish-brown and have a central pulp. The aroma is like tea leaves, and the taste is light. Green and no thick branches are preferred.

Main ingredients: bark with tannin.

Pharmacological effects: sweating, antipyretic, diarrhoea, diuresis; can also suppress cough (intraperitoneal injection of water extract has cough effect on mice) and antibacterial (water extract has a certain bacteriostatic effect on pneumococcus, Streptococcus A, Staphylococcus albican, and influenza bacillus in vitro).

Preparation: cut or chew, raw use.

Taste: sweet, salty, flat.

Attribution: into the heart, lungs, stomach three meridians.

Function: diaphoresis, detoxification, diuresis.

Indications: measles not releasing, urine difficulty, anti-alcohol poisoning, wash the skin for itch.

Clinical application: It is mainly used for fever and rash in the early stage of measles. With Zhu Ye, Niu Bang Zi, Chan Tui, etc., for better potency, such as Zhu Ye Liu Bang Tang. Topical smoking can also be used (the method is the same as Yuan Sui).

Precautions for use: Do not use measles if it has been penetrated, fever sweating, pneumonia and general weakness should not be used. In addition, in recent years, Xihe Willow has also been tried to treat external cough and chronic tracheitis.

Dosage: 3~15g internally, 90~150g externally.

Examples of prescriptions

・Zhu Ye Liu Bang Tang ("Xianxingzhai Medical Guang Notes"): Zhu Ye 9g, Xi He Liu 15g, Ge Gen 4.5g, Niu Bang Zi 4.5g, Chan Tui 3g, Bo He 3g (added at the end of cooking), Jing Jie 3g, Zhi Mu 3g, Xuan Shen 6g, Mai Dong 9g, Gan Cao 3g, decoction.

Case study: perianal inflammation

Chief complaints: patient suffered from perianal inflammation with a large thumb size lump and strong pain for a few days. Doctor at the hospital told him after the exam that as long as the inflammation and lump can go away, there was no need for surgery. The doctor told the patient to take anti-inflammatory injections and medicines. The patient didn’t want the treatment, so he sought Dr. Wu for help.

Date of first visit: Nov. 15, 2015

TCM prescription: Chuan Shan Jia 6g, Tian Hua powder 10g, Dang Gui 10g, Jin Yin Hua 10g, Lian Qiao 15g, Zao Jiao Ci 20g, Ci Diao Gen 15g, Chi Shao 10g, Ru Xiang 10g, Mo Yao 10g, Pu Gong Ying 10g, Zi Hua Di Ding 10g, Da Huang 10g, Gan Cao 6g, Chen Pi 10g, Zhe Bei Mu 10g, fried Lai Fu Zi 20g. To make decoction, one dose a day for five consecutive doses. 

Patient feedback: after three doses, and the pain was almost gone. After taking two more doses, the lump has mostly disappeared. The patient is still taking the medicine and hope to recover soon. 

Disclaimer: All above articles are for reference only. If patients are interested, please consult a professional practitioner Traditional Chinese Medicine for a consultation.