Dr. Wu on Nasdaq screen representing Chinese national brand enterprises!


Dr. Wu is on the national news in China!

Below is the translation of an aritcle recently published in China's "Internationa l F inance and Economics ":

On May 10, 2020, Dr. Wu, founder of the Taoist Institute of TCM, and Wu Ming Jie Chinese Medicine Cultural Communication Co., Ltd., was selected to appear on the NASDAQ screen in New York to represent Chinese national brand enterprises on the world stage.

Dr. Wu believes in the treatment theory of “30% treatment by the doctor and 70% self-improvement on the patient’s part”, which was coined by Liu Yuan Su, one of the four most famous Chinese doctors during the Jin and Yuan dynasties (1115-1368 AD).

Dr. Wu advises patients to minimize the use of chemical drugs, to reduce the risk of side effects. He recommends integrated Chinese and Western approaches, taking advantages of the modern diagnosis techniques, while using natural treatments. His goal is to spread the Taoist way of health and wellness, and Tai Chi culture to all parts of the world, to help patients minimize the side effects of chemical treatments, and to better improve people's quality of life.

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As more and more patients benefited from Dr. Wu's expertise in Chinese medicine, Dr. Wu's medical concepts, diagnosis and treatment methods have attracted the attention of people from all over the world. Dr. Wu has dedicated himself to help people achieve better health and healthier lifestyle.  

Taking the opportunity of being presented on the NASDAQ screen, Dr. Wu launched his "Wu Ming Jie" brand moxa roll product. This product was perfected based on his decades of experience of using moxibustion to treat a wide variety of diseases. "Wu Ming Jie" moxa roll is made with high-quality mugwort leaves to ensure the best health effect. It is suitable for everyone to use at home for both treatment and prevention, and for improvement of one’s overall health.

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